Monday, 1 February 2010

a thought for Tuesday....

OK, so I cheated, but if I'd titled this post "Charity Tuesday" most people wouldn't have even got this far!!  But now that you're here, please read on :-)

What is it about the mention of charity that makes people look away?  Yes charities rely heavily on donations from generous supporters, but they do appreciate that not everyone can donate money to every charity that asks.....  Where we can help, however, is by helping to spread the word, and that is where Twitter could be fantastic..... but often isn't!

So, not long after joining twitter, I discovered #CharityTuesday - what a great idea, a whole day dedicated to tweeting about your favourite charities and good causes and encouraging your followers to follow and support them!!  Fantastic idea.... but did you know that in the whole of twitterland last tuesday there were only 1156 #charitytuesday mentions!  And probably half of those were grateful charities tweeting back "thanks so much for the #charitytuesday, we really appreciate it"!

There are quite literally hundreds of charities on twitter who tirelessly reach out to the elderly, abused children, maltreated animals, children orphaned through AIDS, homeless people, terminally-ill/disabled/disadvantaged children, ex-armed forces, MND (ever heard of that? neither had I til I joined twitter, look it up!), not to mention those fighting to #kickcancer and help in #Haiti..... the list is endless.....

So what does it require from you?  Everyone supports a charity, right?  Or has at least heard of one, I hope?  Look them up on twitter and give them a shoutout and tell your followers why you support them, or about the great work they do - and don't forget to add a #charitytuesday.  If everyone on twitter did just one #charitytuesday mention, it would be trending in no time - and it would indeed be a worthy trending topic!

Happy Charity Tuesday :-)