I'll keep this brief, as if I try to tell the whole story I'll be here all day and also I know most people reading it can't cope with much more than 140 characters at a time ;-)
Deciding to take this trip at all was a huge step for me....I hadn't travelled alone for 15 years, and I did find myself at the airport on Friday morning wondering what on earth I was doing! Anyway, after arriving in Glasgow, I took the bus to Fort William....a 3 hour journey made much easier by the fabulous views along the way. Once in Fort William, I met up with my fellow adventurerers @Scublakhan @elaine0007 @clairehammond @mos_71 and their friends Stevie and Fiona - I was instantly put at ease and that was my first major hurdle done, phew!
After a well earned rest, food, and lots of photos, it was time to think about the way down. For me, this was definitely much more difficult - although a lot quicker, it was very tough on my old knees and in many places took a lot of concentration on loose stones.
What a fabulous experience, one I'll not forget in a hurry....a great achievement in wonderful company :-)
Of course, everything I do is in memory of my two friends who lost their lives too young to cancer.....this year I am specifically fundraising to improve treatment for pancreatic cancer patients and if you would like to support my cause, please follow this link: http://myprojects.cancerresearchuk.org/fundraising-pages/nancoise/
thanks for reading
Nancy x
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