Little Legs for Life is a fantastic opportunity for children to take part in a fun event, and support Cancer Research UK! Children of all ages can take part, and they can run or walk as far as they can manage.
Little Legs for Life events are organised by volunteers, but your local contact at Cancer Research UK will support you every step of the way. The beauty of the event is that you can make it completely unique - it can be as big or as small, as simple or as grand as you want to make it!
Here are 10 basic steps to a successful event:
- Get a group of friends together to help you and make contact with your CR-UK Area Volunteer Manager
- Find a venue - school or sports club ideal
- Seek support from local schools and community groups
- Promotion - go into schools and speak to children. Leaflets & posters, local press, social media
- Registration - as many options as possible: online, registration sessions at schools, by post
- Contact your participants with event details and fundraising info (encourage just giving)
- Apply to local businesses for support - sponsorship or raffle/auction prizes
- Must Haves - first aid cover (speak to your local SJA) risk assessment (get form from your AVM)
- Optional - t-shirts, stalls, raffle, medals, extra volunteers
- On the day - set up the course, put your volunteers and participants in place and have fun!!

These photos are from the events held in Walton-On-Thames in Surrey - in 3 years, our LLFL events have raised over £50k!!
For more information email
follow @Littlelegs4life on twitter
join the LLFL Community facebook group
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